Online Events

Stock Market Game
Participants in the SIFMA Foundation Stock Market Game (SMG) develop and manage an online investment portfolio of stocks, mutual funds, bonds, ESG investments and cash. SMG allows DECA members to test their investment knowledge and skills against other DECA members in an online competition. The goal of the competition is to provide participants with the skills needed to be successful in their future financial lives by managing a diversified investment portfolio.
Accounting VBCAC
Accounting participants will:
use forensic accounting to identify fraud and errors and use managerial accounting techniques to maximize profits
analyze accounting documents, such as T-accounts, worksheets, journals and the general ledger, as well as source documents such as time sheets, customer invoices, pay records and more in order to identify issues

Entrepreneurship VBCEN
Entrepreneurship participants will:
conduct market research, spot new business opportunities and take the plunge by embarking on their very own entrepreneurial venture with 20 different businesses to choose from
implement new business strategies via requesting financing, building their team, acquiring resources, setting prices, developing their marketing and more
analyze market data, interpret financial reports and apply critical thinking and decision making skills in order to make their entrepreneurial venture as successful as possible

Hotel Management VBCHM
Hotel Management participants will:
manage different aspects of a hotel, such as revenue management, group sales, marketing, front desk operations, banquets/meetings, housekeeping and more
interpret industry specific reports, such as the Group Sales PACE Report, the STAR Competitive Report, the Market Data Report, the Daily Revenue Report and more, in order to assist with making informed decisions and implementing strategies that will optimize profitability
Restaurant VBCRS
Restaurant participants will:
manage specific marketing and business concepts, such as market research, menu design and pricing, advertising strategies and purchasing within their own restaurant
interpret actions, financial information, and reports, such as the Product/Menu Mix and Menu Matrix Analysis reports, in order to make strategic marketing decisions for their restaurant

Fashion VBCFA
Fashion participants will:
scour runway and street blogs for emerging and viral fashion trends
manage marketing, business and fashion-specific concepts such as design, buying, pricing and markdowns, social media promotion, window display and merchandising within their own fashion design business
interpret actions, charts and reports, such as the Income Statement and the "Instatrend" report in order to make strategic marketing decisions for their fashion business to optimize profitability
Retail VBCRT
Retailing participants will:
manage specific marketing concepts, such as pricing, purchasing and promotion within their own supermarket, sporting goods or electronics stores
interpret actions, charts and reports, such as the Inventory and Sales & Margin reports, in order to make strategic marketing decisions for their store to optimize profitability
Sports VBCSP
Sports participants will:
manage specific marketing concepts, such as ticket pricing, social media, concessions and sponsorships within their own football franchise
interpret actions, charts and reports, such as the event reports, financial reports and social media results, in order to make strategic marketing decisions for their franchise to optimize profitability

Personal Finance VBCPF
Personal Finance participants will:
manage bank accounts, credit and debit cards, bills, credit scores, taxes, insurance, online banking and more
interpret actions, charts and reports, such as credit reports, bank statements and pay and tax records, in order to make strategic financial decisions and optimize net worth